On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 3:07 AM, str4d <st...@i2pmail.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA512
> You can create Tahoe nodes anywhere and run multiple nodes under a
> single user. If you don't specify a node location, the default
> location is used (~/.tahoe/). But you can also specify a node directory:
> $ tahoe create-client ~/.tahoe-client
> $ tahoe create-introducer ~/.tahoe/introducer
> $ tahoe start -d ~/.tahoe-client
> $ tahoe start --node-directory=/home/user/.tahoe/introducer

The lafs-giab script is basically a wrapper around the above, except
it also relies on a convention where the separate node config
directories live in a common parent directory.  So to do the
equivalent of those four commands, you'd do:

$ lafs_giab.py -d ~/my_giab_dir/ launch

> (Some commands support appending the node directory. All commands IIRC
> support "-d", "--node-directory=" )
> str4d
> On 11/12/2013 09:24 PM, Ed Kapitein wrote:
>> On Tue, 2013-11-12 at 16:03 +0800, xiao_s_yuan wrote:
>>> I want to know can I put the client,storage,introducer on one
>>> computer with ubuntu,I tried to do this but find that only one
>>> ".tahoe" can exist under the /root folder,but every client or
>>> storage  must have a folder like ".tahoe",so how can I run
>>> tahoe-LAFS on only one computer
>> Hi xiao,
>> I successfully did that once by using different users for the
>> introducer and the storage server. So run the introducer as user1
>> and run the main tahoe process as user2.
>> Kind regards, Ed
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