I install the tahoe1.10

At 2014-03-04 16:44:49,xiao_s_yuan <xiao_s_y...@163.com> wrote:

A problem when I install tahoe on centos 6.4,How can I fix this problem.
ps:I used the command follow:
yum install gcc python-devel sqlite-devel gcc-c++ openssl-devel
yum install cpp glibc-devel glibc-headers kernel-headers libgomp 
libstdc++-devel e2fsprogs-devel keyutils-libs-devel krb5-devel libselinux-devel 
libsepol-devel zlib-devel

Warning: dependency 'pyopenssl' could not be imported. pkg_resources thought it
should be possible to import version '0.13' from '/ysd/allmydata-tahoe-1.10.0/su
The exception trace was (<type 'exceptions.ImportError'>, 'libssl.so.1.0.0: cann
ot open shared object file: No such file or directory', ('/ysd/allmydata-tahoe-1
OpenSSL/__init__.py', 36, '<module>', 'from OpenSSL import crypto')).
For debugging purposes, the PYTHONPATH was
install_requires was
  ['setuptools >= 0.6c6', 'zfec >= 1.1.0', 'simplejson >= 1.4', 'zope.interface
== 3.6.0, == 3.6.1, == 3.6.2, >= 3.6.5', 'Twisted >= 11.0.0', 'foolscap >= 0.6.3
', 'pyOpenSSL', 'Nevow >= 0.6.0', 'pycrypto == 2.1.0, == 2.3, >= 2.4.1', 'pyasn1
 >= 0.0.8a', 'mock >= 0.8.0', 'pycryptopp >= 0.6.0']
sys.path after importing pkg_resources was

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