* jg71 <j...@p8d.org> wrote:

> Best case would be (and let's be optimistic here) that tahoe just
> works with pyOpenSSL 0.14, including the new deps on six and
> cryptography.
> Anyway, I'll get back to you after having run some tests.

After having dealt with the new pyOpenSSL situation, running

  tahoe -V

gave this:

allmydata-tahoe: 1.10.0
foolscap: 0.6.4
zfec: 1.4.24
Twisted: 13.0.0
Nevow: 0.10.0
zope.interface: unknown
python: 2.7.5
platform: Linux-slackware_14.1-x86_64-64bit_ELF
pyOpenSSL: 0.14
simplejson: 3.3.0
pycrypto: 2.6
pyasn1: 0.1.7
mock: 1.0.1
setuptools: 3.2

Warning: dependency 'cryptography' (version '0.2.2') found by pkg_resources not 
found by import.
Warning: dependency 'six' (version '1.5.2') found by pkg_resources not found by 
Warning: dependency 'cffi' (version '0.8.2') found by pkg_resources not found 
by import.
Warning: dependency 'pycparser' (version '2.10') found by pkg_resources not 
found by import.

For debugging purposes, the PYTHONPATH was
install_requires was
  ['setuptools >= 0.6c6', 'zfec >= 1.1.0', 'simplejson >= 1.4',
'zope.interface == 3.6.0, == 3.6.1, == 3.6.2, >= 3.6.5', 'Twisted >=
11.0.0', 'foolscap >= 0.6.3', 'pyOpenSSL', 'Nevow >= 0.6.0',
'pycrypto == 2.1.0, == 2.3, >= 2.4.1', 'pyasn1 >= 0.0.8a', 'mock >=
0.8.0', 'pycryptopp >= 0.6.0']
sys.path after importing pkg_resources was

So I ran 

  python -c "import pkg_resources;print ',\n'.join([d.project_name+': 
'+d.version for d in set(pkg_resources.require('allmydata-tahoe'))])"

with this output:

Nevow: 0.10.0,
Twisted: 13.0.0,
zbase32: 1.1.5,
pyOpenSSL: 0.14,
pycparser: 2.10,
zope.interface: 4.0.5,
cryptography: 0.2.2,
cffi: 0.8.2,
simplejson: 3.3.0,
pyasn1: 0.1.7,
foolscap: 0.6.4,
pyutil: 1.9.4,
setuptools: 3.2,
mock: 1.0.1,
pycrypto: 2.6,
six: 1.5.2,
allmydata-tahoe: 1.10.0,
zfec: 1.4.24

which looked OK to me so I decided to run

  tahoe debug trial

which passed except these 2 failures:


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/allmydata/test/test_runner.py", line 
136, in _cb
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/allmydata/test/test_runner.py", line 
123, in _check_right_code
twisted.trial.unittest.FailTest: We seem to be testing the code at '/usr',
(according to the source filename 
but expected to be testing the code at '/'.
Please run the tests from the root of the Tahoe-LAFS distribution.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/allmydata/test/test_runner.py", line 
126, in test_the_right_code
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/site-packages/allmydata/test/test_runner.py", line 
123, in _check_right_code
twisted.trial.unittest.FailTest: We seem to be testing the code at '/usr',
(according to the source filename 
but expected to be testing the code at '/'.
Please run the tests from the root of the Tahoe-LAFS distribution.

Ran 1134 tests in 2113.092s

FAILED (skips=5, expectedFailures=3, failures=2, successes=1124)

So, apart from the initial heart-stopping moment, I think we are
still good-to-go despite the fancy stunt by pyOpenSSL devs.

Feel the magic of Tahoe-LAFS.
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