I just rebuilt tahoe-lafs from pkgsrc with updated py-OpenSSL and the
newly vast set of dependencies for it.   So far everything seems to be
ok.  I ran a deep-check --add-lease over an alias with about 5500
objects (and I believe all is healthy).

After a long time of 'NN00 objects checked', I got:

5500 objects checked..
ERROR: NotEnoughSharesError(ran out of shares: complete=
    pending=Share(sh9-on-[redacted]),Share(sh3-on-[redacted]) overdue=
    unused= need 3. Last failure: None)
"[Failure instance: Traceback (failure with no frames): <class
    'allmydata.interfaces.NotEnoughSharesError'>: ran out of shares:
    complete= pending=Share(sh9-on-[redacted]),Share(sh3-on-[redacted])
    overdue= unused= need 3. Last failure: None"

and I'm wondering if that's running out of memory in the tahoe process,
vs a remote filesystem error.

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