Dear reader,

here are the minutes of todays dev-chat:

dev-chat notes 2018-05-22

Tahoe-LAFS devchat 2018-05-22

attendees: flupke, exarkun, meejah

1. Release
        * There is a branch now:
        * news file updated
        * meejah went through checklist and did some things
        * exarkun will review

1.1 branch cleanup
        * meejah will write a script to extract ticket numbers
        * if ticket is close, branch will get nucked

2. Great Black Swamp
        * new protocol to talk to storage servers
        * review
                * are desired security properties there?
                * functional properties there?
                * convey enough information to talk to storage servers?
                * exarkun will open PR for discussion:
                * CBOR encoding since it is simple enough
                * JSON as fallback (+ base64 for binary) and for testing
                * other encodings dismissed as too complex/powerful
                * Haskell implementation as soon as spec is blessed by community

3. grid manager
        * meejah implemented some things over the weekend
        * enable adding storage server by name to grid
        * some certificate handling and distribution
        * gridmanager code is really complex in some spots
        * node.pubkey is only written, never read in tahoe -> different 
indentity mechanism used?
                * still tied to identity in foolscap
                * preserved in great black swamp
        * --config to get configuration from somewhere (disk, other storage 
server ...)
        * TODO: write a transition story (un-managed to managed grid)
        * should we download from storage-servers not blessed by a grid-manager?
                * it's safe
                * one reason not to: the tahoe code is complex, and might be 
easier to audit if we just never connect to "not blessed" storage servers
                * migration: uploading to non-blessed storage servers might 
make transition easier?
                * if you have non-managed grid, the steps to get to a managed 
grid are:
                        * create a grid-manager
                        * add all storage-servers to the grid manager
                        * make certificates for all of them
                        * distribute certificates to all storage-servers
                        * (can now confirm they're all publishing)
                        * distribute grid-manager pubkey to all clients
        * there are other tickets in the tracker about related features (of 
various ways to "discriminate" against which storage servers you use)
                * makes sense to unify all these concepts (or at least discuss 
how they relate)
                * maybe it makes sense to implement grid-manager things as a 
"plugin"-style thing so future stuff can use it too
                * (we don't have to write the first implementation as a 
future-proof-plugin-all-singing-all-dancing API)
        * gridmananger to remove introducer as single point of failure -> more 
gossipy protocol?
        * anyone with access to the grid can be storage server
                * can't stop anyone from providing storage services
                * all legit clients don't (want to) unblessed storage server
                * limit clients on which storage servers they can talk to 
(requires complitaed YAML file in private directory)
        * singed certs to tell storage servers apart (clients already have 
        * encoding parameters on per file basis (via API in the future)?
        * every client gets an identity, but clients can change it as often as 
they want (for anonymity)
        * there are some notes on all this "client identity" and grid-manager 
adjacent topics in the last Tahoe-LAFS Summit (SFO) on the wiki

4. magic-folder hypothesis tests
        * session on thursday with exarkun and meejah

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