Understood.  Thank you, Julien.

On Sun, Feb 12, 2012 at 2:37 PM, jvoisin <julien.voi...@dustri.org> wrote:

> On 12 February 2012 23:34, Gavin Engel <ga...@engel.com> wrote:
>> Hello all on the Tails dev team.  I have been using Tails .10.1, and I'm
>> very pleased.
>> I'd also like to mention a couple of packages you may want to include.
>>  First is an eMule client, like aMule.  The second is Tribler.
> Tor is not designed for massive files exchanges : no.
>> Additionally, would you ever consider a version which had Adobe Flash
>> installed?
> Since abode flash is non-free, and a big blob full of security holes : no.
>> thanks for your effort,
>> -Gavin
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> --
> -- Julien Voisin
> | pgp key : C48815F2 
> <http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x9768FD3CC48815F2>
> | dustri.org
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