I recently asked on [tor-talk] "How to force redirect each application through 
separate SocksPorts? (preventing identity correlation)" [1] without much 

At the moment Tails configures applications using the correct proxy settings. 
For example gpg http proxy settings -> polip http proxy -> Tor SocksPort. Like 
mentioned [1] this is not optimal, since everything gets pressed through the 
same SocksPort and therefore identity correlation through circuit sharing is at 
risk. When Tor 0.2.3 gets released, Tails should make extensive use of the 
stream isolation and multiple SocksPorts.

What are Tails's plans to redirect each application through it's own SocksPort?

I've seen, you are about to install torsocks with next Tails release 0.12. [3]

- Luckily we can set an enviromenment variable TORSOCKS_CONF_FILE, which 
torsocks will obey. (Have a glimpse at man torsocks and man usewithtor for 
- torsocks/usewithtor is affected from a bug. "libtorsocks(2471): The symbol 
res_query() was not found in any shared library. The error reported was: not 
found!" But I guess you will be shipping a patches version?

And here comes my suggestion... usewithtor should be patched to support setting 
proxy-ip and proxy-port by command line options. I wouldn't know how to phrase 
complex command line options with sh (like usewithtor -proxy-ip 
-proxy-port 9052 -proxy-type 5, were everything with optionals, defaults). But 
I hacked together a version, which can be used like this: 'sudo ip= 
port=9053 ./uwt apt-get update' [4]. My modified version of usewithtor, which I 
call uwt, creates a temporary torsocks configuration file, updates the 
environment variable TORSOCKS_CONF_FILE and finally calls torsocks with the 
given application arguments. Perhaps someone want a less hackish implementation 
and patches torsocks directly, to add support for more command line arguments.

The open question, which remains... If a user types 'gpg <...>', 'wget <...>' 
or 'apt-get <...>' in console, how to reinterpret it as "ip= port=9053 
uwt gpg <...>" so it's gets it's own SocksPort?

[1] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2012-June/024497.html
[2] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/torsocks
[3] https://tails.boum.org/todo/install_torsocks/
[4] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/torsocks

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