On Fri, Oct 12, 2012 at 05:52:50PM +0200, intrigeri wrote:
> to anyone who pushed commit 64de544 ("Fix Yelp crashing on internal
> links"):
> 1. Congrats!
> 2. Please open a ticket about upstreaming this fix.

I don't see the need:

 * GNOME documentation is not affected as far as I have seen,
 * Yelp has been heavily rewritten since Squeeze. I have not tested,
   but I doubt the bug is still in the version in Wheezy.

What we could do is to try to push a fix in the next Debian Squeeze
point release, but I don't think the bug is severe enough, as it does
not show up when browsing GNOME documentation.

I'd be happy to be convinced otherwise, though.


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