
a...@riseup.net wrote (26 Oct 2012 15:43:09 GMT) :
> Tails 0.14 rc1 686-pae sees all my cpu cores and RAM

Nice to hear.

> Time to test virtualization.

Ah. FYI this is tracked on

(I'll ignore the proprietary vmware thing in what follows.)

> virtualbox 4.2 will now install, compile & insert kernel modules

Nice to read!

> https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads is verified by verisign,
> so you only get verisign/ssl-level security

A long-term solution for Tails would have to be based on Debian,
rather than on Oracle's packages. Current status in Tails is a bit
kludgy: we are shipping a 4.1.10-dfsg-1~bpo60+1 custom backport of the
guest tools and drivers (custom because they are built against the
xorg from squeeze-backports).

> 1. Calculate what size requirements there would be if virtualbox was ever
> shipped with tails
> 2. See how a git patch could be made that is easy simple and just makes
> everything work well

+ check that issue, quoted directly from the aforementioned ticket:

  IIRC, VirtualBox host software sets iptables/netfilter up in a way
  that makes the guest system bypass the existing firewall / or be
  blocked by it, so some care should be taken on this side.

> What does everyone think about virtualization and tails?

Personally, I'd be very happy to see todo/add_virtualbox_host_software
solved, but I lack time to do it any time soon. You are most welcome
to go on working on this! :)

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