
I'm glad you're working on this :)

Kevin C. Krinke wrote (03 Oct 2013 05:27:40 GMT) :
>> * I'm unsure if the configuration would be better added to the
>>   greeter, or done via a right-click on the applet itself. We could
>>   ask some UX experts. But anyway, an initial implementation doesn't
>>   have to provide any GUI to edit ~/.config/tails/timezone yet, so
>>   that's not a blocker at this point.
> First version will look for ~/.config/tails/timezone, barring that file
> existing, it'll use the system default and populate that file?

I personally would have the first version use UTC by default.

And a second version set the default based on the region selected in
the greeter (saved in LANG in /etc/default/locale IIRC, but you may
want to check I'm not not telling crap here).

Baby steps FTW :)

>> * Displaying the timezone doesn't seem that useful to me, given the
>>   user has selected it themselves.
> First version, not being configurable at all via GUI, what should the
> default be? Time and date, or, just the time?

The very same as the GNOME panel's default on GNOME3 "classic mode",
that is (at least in LTR languages):


Of course, this should be l18n'd so that translators can move stuff in
the best order, with appropriate separators for their own language.

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