On 03/07/2014 11:15 AM, sajol...@pimienta.org wrote:
> Great, it would be awesome if you subscribed to their mailing list then,
> and tell them Tails would be interested.
> https://lists.openitp.org/mailman/listinfo/prb
> Then don't hesitate to ask us for more help in case they ask you think
> you are not sure about regarding the process.
> I'm not sure any of us will be following this very closely, at least
> until we really have to bring in more knowledge than what you already have.

Update: I have subscribed to the mailinglist and I have filled in their
form at the OpenITP website (as that is the correct process as far as I
can see on prb.openitp.org). I will keep the list up-to-date about
what's happening.

I created the following ticket to track this:

All the best,

Developer at https://www.useotrproject.org/

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