Hi Willem,

Willem van der Poel wrote (02 May 2014 07:31:55 GMT) :
> The main email address ta...@boum.org has been bouncing my mail back
> since yesterday. I don't think this falls in the 'bug' category :)

Thanks a lot for letting us know!

> <ta...@boum.org>: Command died with status 1:
>     "/usr/local/bin/schleuder-remote". Command output: A serious error

I'm Cc'ing r...@boum.org, as this seems to be a problem with Schleuder
(the encrypted mailing-list manager that is used for ta...@boum.org).

This sometimes happens with messages that use less-than-standard or
weird OpenPGP formats, especially combined with attachments. As a next
step, may you please try emailing ta...@boum.org in cleartext,
unsigned, and without any attachment? If it works, then you may try to
add (one by one) the other bits of complexity to the mix.

Sorry for the burden.

  | GnuPG key @ https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/intrigeri.asc
  | OTR fingerprint @ https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/otr.asc
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