
anonym wrote (09 May 2014 10:38:41 GMT) :
> I'll be release manager for the Tails 1.1 release. Here's the
> preliminary release schedule:

>   2014-05-28   Feature freeze.
>                Tag 1.1-rc1 in Git.
>                Build and upload 1.1-rc1 ISO/IUKs.
>   2014-05-29   Test 1.1-rc1.
>   2014-05-30   Officially release 1.1-rc1.
>   [...]

tl;dr: I think we should postpone Tails 1.1, release 1.1~beta1 instead
in 3 days, 1.0.1 on June 11, and 1.1 on July 22.

The current state of the release manager view [1] looks quite
concerning at first glance, but things are not *that* bad. I think
we're doing pretty well considering how late work on various large
tasks was started or resumed.


Assuming all branches currently pending review'n'merge are good, our
devel branch currently looks like a good 1.1~beta1 to me.

  * I doubt we'll be able to easily fix the two regressions we've
    already spotted (#7249 and #7285), even if we were given
    more time.

  * The update of the documentation inherited from Incognito (#5977)
    was already postponed from 1.0, and is not finished yet, but
    I guess it can be done by June 8, or postponed again with no big
    harm done.

  * The Liferea thingie needs more work, but well, worst case, we just
    don't merge it for 1.1.

  * I still plan to do enough doc update next week for UEFI support to
    make sense.

The only things that I'm really worried about are:

  * The lack of a finalized Windows Camouflage mode.

  * The fact we've been discovering quite a few obvious regressions in
    the last few weeks, and even days... which makes me think that
    there's a number of less obvious issues we've not spotted yet.
    If we release RC1 in 3 days, we'll have about a week to fix all
    regressions found by early testers. That's not much.

So, I'm hereby proposing that we:

  * Build/test/release 1.1~beta1 on May 28-30 (just as planned,

  * Advertise the 1.1~beta1 call for testing the best we can.
    Oh, and test it ourselves quite a bit, too ;)

  * Release a 1.0.1 point-release, based on Squeeze, on June 11,
    instead of the planned 1.1 final.

  * Release 1.1 on July 22 (which probably means a freeze + RC1 during
    the summit).

Incidentally, this would get our release schedule back on tracks with
Mozilla's, so that we have a major released planned for October 14,
when ESR24 reaches end-of-life and we have to switch to ESR31.

And maybe Liferea persistence can be brought to a plausible mergeable
state early enough to be reviewed, and improved if needed, for 1.1~rc1.


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