The internet becomes less and less friendly to people using TOR for legitimate 
businesses. Google has already blocked Tor exits. This means one cannot use 
Google services. 

Github does so as well. Also numerous other websites. Before long, using Tor 
(and Tails) will be less and less necessary - because no websites will accept 
access from Tor exits. 

Please do something to stop this. I know that one can use proxychain to 
circumvent this, but there is no easy to use documentation to teach this. Also, 
please consider adding proxychain to the next built so one does not need to 
download each time when using LIVE CD.

Please pay attention to this as it goes to the essense of using TOR. If we 
cannot use TOR to access most websites, then what is the need to use TOR?

'We could write on how to use that inan "unsupported, advanced users only, may 
kill kittens" part of thedocumentation.' - Please do.

-- Anxious user

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