
I'll be the release manager for Tails 1.3.1, which currently is
scheduled to be released on 2015-04-07 [1]. However, Firefox 37, which
was supposed to ship that date, has been moved up one week, to
2015-03-31 [2] to not coincide with Easter. I presume that the same goes
for the 31.6.0esr release and hence the next Tor Browser release (which
I've asked about on tbb-dev@ [3]). I'll continue with that assumption,
and that we too will change our release date for Tails 1.3.1 to
2015-03-31, because otherwise it'll be open season on Tails users for
browser exploits for a week.

Thoughts? I'll update the calendar [1] if I get an ACK for this new
release date.

[1] https://tails.boum.org/contribute/calendar/
[2] https://wiki.mozilla.org/RapidRelease/Calendar#Future_branch_dates
[3] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tbb-dev/2015-March/000234.html

For the list of tickets targeting Tails 1.3.1, have a look at:


That's 88 open tickets, and it seems we have one week less to work on
this. Dammit! We better start cranking code/docs/translations/etc ASAP! :)

Here's the preliminary release schedule:

* 2015-03-28:
  - All branches targeting Tails 1.3.1 must be merged into the 'stable'
    branch by noon CET.
  - Tor Browser 4.x, based on Firefox 31.6.0esr is *hopefully* out, so
    we can import it.
  - Build and upload Tails 1.3.1 ISO image and IUKs.
  - Start testing Tails 1.3.1 during late CET if building the image
    went smoothly.

* 2015-03-31:
  - Finish testing Tails 1.3.1 by the afternoon, CET.
  - Release Tails 1.3.1 during late CET.

So, testers, please let me know if you are available on:

* 2015-03-28, late CET (only needed if image building went smoothly).

* 2015-03-31, morning to afternoon, CET.


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