On Wednesday 01 April 2015 23:55:02 anonym wrote:
> As of writing this there's only 6 unassigned tickets for 1.4:
> * https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/9072 - Pidgin IRC tests often fail
> due to OFTC Tor blocking
> * https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/8243 - Support meek bridges
> * https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/9000 - Claws Mail leaks cleartext
> of encrypted email to the IMAP server
>   - https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/8999 - Claws Mail leaks
> cleartext of encrypted email to the Queue IMAP folder
>   - https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/8986 - Claws Mail leaks
> cleartext of encrypted email to the Drafts IMAP folder
> Any takers?
> In particular I'd love to see someone take responsibility for the Claws
> tickets since they're outright dangerous for our users. I was
> considering it, and did some tiny tests [1], but then realized that I
> have way too much on my plate for Tails 1.4 so I doubt I'll manage it.
> Anyone?


I caused the ticket 8986 to be raised and recently joined the list to not only 
follow up, but also see where I can help out. I also note there was a 
discussion on this list around the same time.

It's my understanding that the issue is the current default Claws 
configuration of the Drafts / Queue folders being over IMAP (and being auto-
saved) when they are perhaps better local (RAM disk or persistent volume).

It's also my belief that a solution be documented as soon as possible to 
publicize to existing users on existing versions the risk and how to mitigate 

So, a newbie to the list and processes used here. 

Any pointers to process & tools would be appreciated. I'll take this on :)



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