Awesome explanation. Thanks heaps. Looks like the dotfiles option is the most straightforward.

Re: upgrade hazards, maybe dconf locks could help:


On 2016-08-24 14:18, intrigeri wrote:
Why is it not already possible for the persistence feature to save/reference the .config directory and everything in it (and whatever other config directories in the
home directory)? And of course load these saved settings at startup?

This would persist not only the settings that the user really meant to
change in a persistent way, but it will also freeze all the other
settings stored in ~/.config/ to the value that we set in Tails at the
time when they made this directory persistent. In other words, a part
of their Tails system will never be upgraded anymore, and the user has
little knowledge and control over what's in this part. This is not
something that I want to even try supporting.

For ~/.config/ I would suggest using the Dotfiles feature instead,
since it allows adding a custom persistent overlay *on top* of the
defaults that one did not mean to modify nor persist.

For dconf one "should just" implement dumping/loading a list of
user-specified keys to/from persistence. It should be simple to solve
that for technical users (who can already workaround this easily so
it's not worth it), and non-trivial to solve in a way that is easy &
safe to use for everyone else. Which probably explains why nobody has
implemented it yet.

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