
Reminder that we have a meeting on Friday, October 7th.


> Hi,
> We had a very efficient meeting in September with 5 people discussing some of 
> the 
> proposed solutions listed on the blueprint. We divided tasks and plan to 
> discuss them in a next meeting.
> This is to announce a new meeting for those interested. We'll be working 
> on: "Investigate whether we should resume shipping a random seed"[1].
> Time and place is:
> October 7th 2016, 12:00 - 14:00 (Paris/Amsterdam/Berlin time)
> This meeting is open to everyone and is being held at: 
> tails-...@conference.riseup.net (XMPP)
> The goal of this meeting is to discuss work that has been done by volunteers, 
> update the blueprint with our findings based on the work and announce a new 
> meeting date.
> Report back from:
> - Use the Tails installer to ship a seed to users #7675
> - Analyze early boot entropy gathering #11758
> Please make sure that the blueprint/tickets are updated before the meeting.
> Best,
> Jurre
> [1] https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/7642
> [2] https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/randomness_seeding/
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