
I'll be the release manager for Tails 3.3, which is a minor/bugfix release 
scheduled on 2017-11-14. The list of tickets targeting Tails 3.3 can be found 


There are currently 170 open tickets listed. Go get 'em!

Below you'll find the preliminary release schedule for Tails 3.3:

* 2017-11-15:
   - All feature branches targeting Tails 3.3 should be merged into
     the `stable` branch by noon, CET. I'm open to make exceptions
     if you can be online and responsive during that afternoon, but
     ask me first!
   - Build and upload Tails 3.3.
   - Start testing Tails 3.3 during late CET if building the image
     went smoothly.

* 2017-11-16:
   - Finish testing Tails 3.3 by the afternoon, CET.
   - Release Tails 3.3.

Testers, please let me know:

* if you are available on 2017-11-15, late CET

* if you are available on 2017-11-16, morning to afternoon, CET.

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