
I'd like to attend the next contributor meeting[1] but I failed to connect 
following the Contributors chat intructions[2] using pidgin. I wonder if there 
are detailed instructions somewhere, maybe with screenshots ? For instance I'm 
not sure if I'm supposed to provide a password, should the nick I pick be 
autoregistered ? It is recommended to use TLS/SSL but the closest approximation 
I found is "use encryption if available" in the "Advanced" tab. And pidgin only 
shows "Unable to connect" in the GUI which is not much help to debug the 
situation ;-)

Thanks in advance for any hint to guide me toward the light ! 


[1] https://tails.boum.org/contribute/meetings/
[2] https://tails.boum.org/contribute/chat/

Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre
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