> So I propose that we drop the "QA Check" field and instead, introduce
> a "Needs Validation" status.

Sounds much simpler, awesome! +1

> Given we now have "mentions" (@nickname) on our Redmine, for the
> majority of cases, when the requested info can presumably be provided
> cheaply and quickly, I think we should use mentions and not reassign
> the ticket. And when I'm mentioned, if I realize that providing the
> requested info needs will take me great amounts of work, I should
> do whatever works for me to track this work, be it on a new ticket
> or my personal offline organization tools.

I quite like this feature and have set up filter rules in my email client for 
the resulting redmine notifications I receive so I don't miss them. However, I 
wonder how this works out if you don't do something like that. I also fear that 
the ad hoc tracking of "mentions" that you propose above is easy to forget.

I just had a half-baked idea that might have some merit: say I work on ticket X 
and need info about "foo" from intrigeri. Then I just create a subticket Y of X 
called "Info needed: foo" and assign it to intri. When intri has posted the 
information about "foo" to X he can then mark Y as resolved.

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