Hi all, 

IMO, it would be incredibly practical to be able to mount the Tails LUKS 
partition on Android tablets. 
This might also open up the use of Tails to more purposes/user groups. 

There are of course obvious (in-)security concerns related to that, but can we 
first just outline the practicalities, and for example not take for granted 
that we are talking about completely standard Android setups? 

I'd just like to explore the potential here. 

1. How should this ideally be mounted? 

2. Could it be possible to mount it in such a way that only 1 or selected apps 
would gain access to the unencrypted partition? 

3. Could we involve Yubikey with a hardware-stored key as second factor to 
unencrypt it? (I'd like such a possibility in normal Tails usage as well.) 

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