On 10/28/20 9:14 AM, intrigeri wrote:

fuckthebop (2020-10-26):
I would like to propose that Tails include an anti-keystroke biometrics
tool such as Kloak (see https://github.com/vmonaco/kloak).
Can you confirm it works in GNOME + Wayland?

If it does, then I think next steps would be:

a) Prepare a GNOME live image that runs Kloak, so that our UX folks
    can evaluate the negative impact: I understand the higher the
    delay, the higher the protection, but the worse UX gets.
    I'm curious if there's a good trade-off, i.e. a delay value that
    would give users both meaningful protection and acceptable UX.
I guess trying it out on GNOME/Wayland is the remaining to-do task here. Its usage should is transparent to the user as it runs as a systemd service in the background. Also nothing in its design is dependent on the display server being used - it works at the kernel level. The default delay is sane in my experience, using it daily for a while now. Can't vouch for gaming use-cases, but I doubt that's a major usage point for anonymity distros anyhow.
    I don't think this needs to be a Tails image, if using another
    GNOME OS as a basis is easier for whoever tackles this.

b) Add Kloak to Debian and maintain it there.
Is Debian inclusion a hard blocker? We've been maintaining a deb package for a couple years now that's updated when upstream is.
It makes little sense to me to bother with (a) if nobody volunteers to
do (b), and vice-versa.

I don't see our team adding this to our next 2 years' roadmap given
the state of our resources. But if someone else takes responsibility
for making it happen, everything is possible :)

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