N Pitceathly:
I have upgraded 4.19 to4.2 and have unfortunately struck problems signing
into Tor. I like to keep my anonymity so have usually signed in using Tor
bridges added and have presumed that's what happened. With 4.2, I am unable
to connect in anyway other than a straight connection.

ooops, sorry to hear that, and thanks for reporting us!
I understand you were already using bridges with 4.19, right?

I have emailed Tor for bridges, and copied then into the space allocated
for them, but there is always an error message. Also, once I get an error
message there is no way to go back so that I can change my method of
connecting to straight through.

Let's see if we can understand why this happens:

- have you copied the whole (very long) bridge line? an example is obfs4 406A8B5869B72221036291407EC3688C69995F80 cert=FY2R16JOoE2VNCU2gVLWBj6Gg+YBP7mTLU5zl12Fz9iC5TQG6SqE71CFhD3zIuJcEFrcMQ iat-mode=0

- is Tails clock accurate? Is it more than an hour greater than UTC? https://time.is/UTC unfortunately we have this bug which might affect you if this is the case: https://gitlab.tails.boum.org/tails/tails/-/issues/15548


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