David A. Wheeler:
> However, please note that Tails is probably *already* leaving money on the 
> table.

Yes, we are leaving money on the table in many ways. The main reason
right now is lack of workforce to apply to more grants or organize more

> The Secure Open Source Rewards pilot program "financially rewards developers 
> for
> enhancing the security of critical open source projects that we all depend 
> on."
> Although I can't guarantee their approval, I'm sure they would look 
> positively at reasonable
> proposals from Tails. I think the odds are good. Yes, I've nagged this 
> information before :-).
> If anyone is interested, see: <https://sos.dev/>
Thanks! Unfortunately, I won't have time to look more into this before
the end of the year, but I created an issue to track this.

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