Hello developers

I would suggest that the group of developers add the possibility of
using the xfce graphical interface to allow people who do not have good
computers to have access to this technology that tails provides...

The gnome and very heavy and very computational processing demand,
people with weaker computers can not get access to the tails with gnome,
xfce would be a great second option.

See https://tails.boum.org/support/faq/#gnome

We had users ask for LXDE, XFCE, MATE, KDE, and so on, but we are not going to change desktop. According to us, the main drawback of GNOME is that it requires quite a lot of resources to work properly, but it has many advantages. The GNOME Desktop is:

- Well integrated, especially for new Linux users.
- Very well translated and documented.
- Doing relatively good regarding accessibility features.
- Actively developed.
- Well maintained in Debian, where it is the default desktop

We invested quite some time in acquiring GNOME knowledge, and switching our desktop environment would require going through that process again.

We are not proposing several desktop environments to choose from because we want to limit the amount of software included in Tails.

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