Hello Hamun,

as a native german and english speaker I noticed, that the tails
website is partly translated incorrectly and partly not translated at
all. I would love to make a contribution to translating the whole page
in german. For free of course. If you are interested in this, don`t
hesitate to contact me.

The website is translated by volunteers from around the world. You can
take a look at the Tails website[1] for more information on how you can
help with translations, either by translating or correcting errors. The
website is translated on the Tails Translation Platform, an instance of
Weblate[2]. You may also be interested in joining the translation
mailing list[3] or the German translators list[4].

Thank you very much for wanting to contribute!


[1]: https://tails.net/contribute/how/translate/
[2]: https://tails.net/contribute/how/translate/with_translation_platform/
[3]: https://tails.net/contribute/how/translate/#index2h1
[4]: https://tails.net/contribute/how/translate/team/de/

Victor Dargallo
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