Hi kurono!

Long time no see, I hope you're doing well.

Sorry for the very late reply!

kurono (2024-04-22):
> As a former contributor to Tails and current contributor to the Nym 
> network (https://nymtech.net/) I am looking into the possibility of 
> integrating both tools.
> Nym provides a mixnet as an alternative to Tor for sending Internet 
> traffic. Its Open Source and its supported by a cryptocurrency (nym).
> The aim of the project would be to add the Nym software to Tails so 
> users are able to send blockchain traffic through Nym (For instance 
> Bitcoin/Electrum traffic), while other usual traffic keeps flowing 
> through Tor.

Before I can start thinking about this, I need to ask:

Could you please describe what are the expected benefits of this change
for Tails users?

I'm asking because "[being] able to send blockchain traffic through
Nym" is probably not a goal per-se in the life of most of our users :)

> On the other hand if Tails is not interested on integrating and 
> maintaining Nym, what do you thing about the feasibility of having it as 
> a Tails derivative? How expensive would be to independently maintain 
> such project?

FTR sajolida already privately pointed kurono to

Maintaining this as a derivative seems technically doable. I expect
one would need at the very least 3 full time workers to do that within
an existing org with proper operations/HR/management support. More or
less depending on how big the delta to maintain is vs. Tails, and on
where you set the bar wrt. QA, user support, doc, localization, etc.

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