Sorry for the wrong format, html instead of txt.

The best thing is to think befor you, or somebody else, uses a routing App, Site, etc.

So when you view the route, you will see that a immidiate crossing would be shorter than the showen way.

I always thought deleting correct data in osm is kind of forbidden. So i would recommend to leave it in there, its not destroying anything or?

And something to think: should we start mapping every exception in StVO? It could be funny...

Kevin Kofler <>schrieb:

I wrote:
> But the data is NOT correct. There are only a few crossing opportunities
> tagged for every street, but it is legal here in Austria to cross a street
> not only on a zebra crossing, but also at ANY point that's not within 25
> meters of the next zebra crossing. This cannot be sensibly tagged with the
> "crossing = footway" mapping approach that the separate sidewalk mappers
> are using.

As an example:,%20Wien

Here, there's a ~250-meter-long way without any mapped crossing. If, as a
hypothetical example, I want to go by foot from the Sri Lankan embassy to
the Restaurant Venezia right across the street, the router sends me on a
~250 meter detour all the way to Favoritenstraße and back instead of the ~25
meter segment along the abstracted street I would otherwise get.

Kevin Kofler

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