Ok, i'm trying this reply again as it didn't work the first time.> >> > This is 
exactly what I wish to believe. I'm not ranting on about how I want> > everyone 
to move to the forums to make me happy. I want a all-in-one> > communication 
solution for OpenStreetMap that satisfies the needs of> > everyone. But i can 
only see that as being a pipedream unless some> > programmers come along 
wanting to offer their services for such a solution.> >> > 
<html><DIV></DIV></html>> >> >> Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 20:20:09 +1000> >> From: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> >> Subject: Re: [talk-au] should 
we migrate to osm forum> >>> >> On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 7:40 PM, Luke Woolley 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> >> wrote:> >>> >> > As a short-long term goal for the 
OpenStreetMap project, it is essental> >> > to> >> > have an efficient and 
welcoming means of communication. By having just> >> > the> >> > main page on 
its own, a forum (with software which can closely replicate> >> > the> >> > 
mailing lists as much as possible to reduce transition mess) which is> >> > 
intergrated with the user diaries (your own OSM blog) and private> >> > 
messages,> >> > the wiki as a reference for OSM development and guidelines and 
the trac> >> > for> >> > managing code and squashing bugs.> >>> >> I agree the 
current system is a bit confusing for newcomers. Even more> >> so for some of 
the International components I might add. It might be> >> a good idea to get a 
'professional' usability expert from outside to> >> volunteer to take a look at 
the project. Does anyone know one?> >>> >> More specifically about the mailing 
lists: does anyone know a tool that:> >> * is an online forum, with threads and 
whatever 'forum people' like> >> * is a mailinglist: with threads and where you 
can still use the reply> >> function> >>> >> > P.S. Off-topic but sorry if I'm 
stuffing up the threads. I don't know> >> > how to> >> > reply to the original 
topic without directly replying to someone else.> >>> >> You would have to 
reply to the original message.> >>> >> Cheers,> >>> >> Sjors> >> >> > 
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