On Thu, 2 Oct 2008, Kim Hawtin wrote:
> Liz wrote:
> > On Thu, 2 Oct 2008, Stephen Hope wrote:
> >> I can't make it, unfortunately.  I have a previous engagement.
> >
> > Ditto
> >
> > Well actually, Kangaroo Island won, and that's where I'll be
> >
> > I'd be pleased to meet some osm'ers one day
> Praps there needs to be a mapping party or OSM-fest or OSM-pub/cafe/dinner
> thing in SA then ?
> Maybe we could also work in something with the FreeRunner guys,
> many of them were interested in GPS trailing action given their new
> shiny toys have a GPS in them =) I've had a couple ask me recently
> about how they can contribute.
> cheers,
> Kim

as you know, i'm closely related to one of those freerunner guys, and worse 
still have one myself.

as it is, the software records a track with a lot of points, which gets 
converted with a perl script to a gpx file.
then it needs thoughtful work to make it into a usable addition to the map.

there is an option to make an osm file with the perl script, but there are way 
way too many points in such a file.

Sat 11th should see us in adelaide to visit the offspring before heading home 

A man was griping to his friend about how he hated to go home after a
late card games.
        "You wouldn't believe what I go through to avoid waking my wife,"
he said.  "First, I kill the engine a block away from the house and coast
into the garage.  Then I open the door slowly, take off my shoes, and
tiptoe to our room.  But just as I'm about to slide into bed, she always
wakes up and gives me hell."
        "I make a big racket when I go home," his friend replied.
        "You do?"
        "Sure.  I honk the horn, slam the door, turn on all the lights,
stomp up to the bedroom and give my wife a big kiss.  `Hi, Alice,' I say.
`How about a little smooch for your old man?'"
        "And what does she say?" his friend asked in disbelief.
        "She doesn't say anything," his buddy replied.  "She always pretends
she's asleep."

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