
On Tue, Oct 21, 2008 at 11:33 AM, Kim Hawtin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> - My edits seem to be taking around two weeks to hit the OSM
>  normal map ... isn't this normally happening weekly?
You can force an update to the Osmarender layer so you can see if your edits
are OK. Updates generally take around an hour, although they can take less
for non-complex areas, and they can take more if the render queue is full.

Find the area you edited on http://informationfreeway.org/ and zoom in to
zoom level 12. (Zoom level shows in the bottom right.)

At zoom level 12, as you move your mouse over the map it draws a dotted red
line around the squares. Ctrl-click the square with your edits in it and it
pops up a dialog telling you that it will submit a render request. Click OK
to add that square to the render queue.

 - Ben.
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