On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 2:47 AM, Darrin Smith <bel...@beldin.org> wrote:

> On Mon, 15 Dec 2008 10:35:01 +0900
> "Andrew Laughton" <laughton.and...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Yes, very easy to fix, and I have fixed other roads that were also
> > wrong, the worry is, how many others need fixing and where are they.
> > Maybe a polite message could solve the problem, or maybe a rough
> > position is better than no position, and there is no problem.
> I think there's actually 2 issues you've hit on in this. One you
> outline here and the other is the issue of what the original author
> used as a source for the estimation.
> On the issue you have listed here I'd suggest at some level it would
> be a good thing to have rough estimations drawn in, at least for major
> features (which landsat can provide if nothing else), an empty block of
> map just doesn't help anyone at all really. Data can always get more
> accurate as time goes by as someone with more specific information
> refines the paths, much like you are doing in this case. When new data
> obviously over-rides older data in the map people should not have
> hesitation correcting things.

Incremental improvement is the wiki-way.  And even what we consider to be
good mapping at the moment will get improved over time as better technology
and better sources come along.

A straight line between two places is better than no line.


> The other issue is a potentially nastier one, especially given that
> landsat supports something approximating the traces you made in this
> case, I worry that your suspicions may be correct, or perhaps that the
> person who drew it in based it upon personal experience from a long
> time ago (dodgy source at best ;). I think a polite message suggesting
> that you are concerned about the source of his data might not go astray
> in this case.
> --
> Darrin Smith
> s...@salseast.org
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