On Mon, 22 Dec 2008 00:48:10 +1100
"Nick Hocking" <nick.hock...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks Darrin, that worked perfectly.
> Now can you tell ne how to convert that mini roundabout into a normal
> one without destroying both parks first.

Eep, good luck on that, I don't think there's anywhere near as simple a
way to do it. If I was doing it I'd probably put in 2 points either
side of the central point, select the road way, split out the middle
3-node way and delete. (I'll assume it's a t-junction) Likewise put a
new node on the adjoining road where you intend the new roundabout to
go, select & split that node at that point, delete the old 2-node way.
Now you have 3 of the nodes for the roundabout, start a new way where
you'd put the 4th node and add the 3 hops in the clockwise direction
and the original, you can use the make-circular key (o? q? one of
those ;). Now you should have an untagged circular way ready for
tagging to match the others (at this point I'd select one of the
original parts of the way, copy it then select the roundabout and hit
ctrl-shift-v to paste tags and add junction=roundabout).

Means the park boundary(ies) will end up an extra node in them, but
that's life :)

> Since the mini node is part of both parks I would have to leave it
> there and build a normal roundabout around it.
> Now the only thing this node could legitimately become is, of course,
> a Roundellhund.
> However since OSM should match reality I would need someone to build
> me a real roundellhund and sneak it on there
> one night  - any volunteers.




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