
It looks like the vote is in favour of relations and there is the beginnings
of consensus around other tags.

So I have updated the wiki page at


At the moment the wiki says tagging will only go on relations - but thought
and investigations are
still needed on this:-

  * Does the ABS require attribution on the nodes and ways - these have been
heavily butchered
    from the original shape files. Whereas the relations bare a reasonable
semblence to the shape
    files they were sourced from

  * I have been thinking about future updates - I think it's going to be
ugly to do anything other than diff
    the shape files from this import and the next. Again, because of the
amount of mangling that has
    gone in to the import I don't think carrying the identifiers across to
OSM makes much sense other
    than for the relations.

Have a read and let me know thoughts/objections. Once we have the wiki page
in reasonable
shape I'll ask for feedback from the main osm list


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