On Mon, 27 Apr 2009, Darrin Smith wrote:
> I'm working on 2 relations like this on KI that sound like they are
> having the same kind of issue. ANY edit of any form to the relation
> would cause an error - EXCEPT deleting I eventually tried on one of
> them. So I've just kept a copy of all the details about the relation,
> deleted the old one and created an identical one that matched the
> original, THEN I could edit the new one without any trouble.
> I suspect the same thing might work with the 'Oxley' relation (I think
> your successful split was because the way that kept the realtion was
> the one that kept the original way Id # and therefore there was no edit
> actually required on the relation).
> --
> =b

I'm going to hold now on this until I see something happen with the bug report 
so we know what we should do 


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