Hi guys

You will see straight away that I am new to this "forum".  I would like to
be able to call on assistance here every now and then and possibly to put in
my 2 bob's worth every now and then.  I also subscribe to the newbies talk
but think, now, that I would prefer to talk with people who are playing in
the same geography.

I have recently breached etiquette and have realised (belatedly I'm afraid)
that before I "do" perhaps I should ask first!

I really only want to use OSM for two reasons - firstly to  drop down maps
(but have to do this through the Garmin site or OSMAust for technical
reasons) which are quite good. And secondly, to put up the places where I've
been (that others may not have been.)

I have two immediate questions (actually I have a lot but these have been
preying on my mind as a result of my breach).  When you go to an attraction,
be it an outdoor winery/farm tour or say, fun park or caravan park, are the
tracks worthwhile to trace into OSM?  Secondly, and unrelated to the first
question . if tracks you place end up being radically different to the
established map should you just stop at the track and not trace so others
can see your green/blue track or should you put in a potentially conflicting
trace? I am (slowly) gaining knowledge in some of the less obvious screens
to see who placed what trace where but, for the same technical reasons as
above I can not "view" maps on OSM so this has not been easy.



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