> Ross Scanlon wrote:
>> Why should I.  No where in osm does it state that a GPX file has to be
>> uploaded.
> You can, quite obviously, not upload the GPX file if you don't want to.
> From seeing how many ways are marked as surveyed, and how many GPS tracks
> there are loaded, it is obvious that many people don't.

My point exactly, it's up to me if I upload the file or not.  It's not
mandated (or even should) by osm.  Lot's of times I'm using dialup as I'm
in a remote area and don't want to spend hours waiting for a 6 hour gpx
file to upload.

> Two things, that should feed into your reasoning..
> Firstly, other OSMers do use the uploaded GPS tracks, and it is never
> obvious when a track has been derived from a simplified GPS trace in JOSM.
> If I am mapping a road with my GPS trace, and there is an existing way in
> OSM that differs frm my track, I am inclined to move the road to my GPS
> trace, especially if I feel my trace was accurate and I have traversed the
> route twice (good visibility, lots of points, good accuracy reading on the
> GPS).  I think I know how accurate my trace was, and I have no real idea
> of
> the source of the previous trace.  My reasoning is that my trace is at
> least as accurate as the previous reading from which the way was traced.
> If I see five traces there before mine, and they all agree and mine
> appears
> a little off, I'd be inclined to leave the way alone.
> Therefore, uploading tracks may lead to a more accurate map, with little
> downside.

Pretty much my current method of adding info to osm.

> Secondly, come the day when MegaMap Inc, decide to sue OSM, due to a part
> of the map looking suspiciously derived from MegaMap's products, the
> existance of GPS traces in OSM may assist greatly in defending against
> that
> threat.

Had thought of this also and have all of my original gpx traces filed by
date, so if it ever came to the crunch they could be provided.

> But, if you have already considered those two factors, then either upload
> or don't, your choice, but hopefully that answers part of your question,
> "Why should I?", assuming it wasn't rhetorical.

Generally it was directed at the comment "should upload ....", made
without anything to back it up and also rhetorical.  Just because some
think they should be uploaded does not mean everyone wants, or has, to.


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