Delta Foxtrot wrote:
Because they aren't joined,

Hi Delta, thanks for the reply.

Because they aren't joined is exactly the reason they should show in Keepright IMO, although I take your point about false postives with service roads etc.....

>From Keepright:
Streets that have (at least) one unconnected end are examined here. If such an end-node is very close to any other way an error is reported. Unconnected end-nodes should probably be connected to adjacent ways."

In the situation that prompted my original mail, most of these streets have no node connection to other ways whatsoever, and they are all very close to another way, because they indeed form junctions with those roads that they are very near.

I'll play around with Keepright to see if I can get the errors to show, perhaps I'm doing something wrong with the number of error limit.



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