I also purchased a Solar GPS Datalogger from ebay on monday night:


And it too turned up in the post today, another thumbs up for that seller too.

However it seems like a nice unit but I'm still trying to pull data from it's 
memory, the windows software seems to be fairly configurable allowing you to 
choose not only how often it logs, but what information is logged so if you use 
the bare minimum you should be able to get more data logged. That is of course 
if you can pull it out again, so far the windows software hasn't even worked.

The software, also isn't as nice as for the other data logger.

However it did come with a suction cup holder that was better than the one I 
bought for my phone, and it comes with a 1amp USB cig socket charger and a USB 
to mini usb retractable travel cable.

However, no data yet :(


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