John Smith wrote:
Rick: The ABS boundary data import throws up a LOT of JOSM validator
John: I just ignored those warnings, but yea they should be fixed.
Agreed ... an editor as popular as JOSM and widely used by OSMers of varying experience shouldn't show validation warnings for valid Keys. I guess the keys that are causing the cautions need to be included in a JOSM list or database located .... somewhere??

... "way end node near other way" warnings.
Can you give me an example
Example at:

Burfitt Road at Schofields in north western Sydney is a way with two unconnected ends.It has a boundary way running along its length, the boundary is longer than Burfitt Road.

This situation will cause the "way end node near other way" warning twice, once for each end node of Burfitt Street because of the road proximity to the boundary.

You might decide to ignore this error

To clear this error, you might just merge the two end nodes of Burfitt Street with the boundary way... that'll certainly clear that particular error... but ....

I suspect the correct way to make this merge if indeed Burfitt Road forms the boundary of two suburbs might be to:

1. Add nodes to the boundary way at each end of Burffit Road
2. Part the boundary way at each new node
3. Add the highway=residential and name=Burfitt Road tags to the section of boundary
4. Delete the old Burfitt Road
5. Merge the various T and X junctions onto the new way.
6. Have no idea how this change might affect future updating of the ABS boundary imports
7. Have a headache and lay down for a while to think about it *phew*

It certainly seems to be the correct process preserving the various boundary relations that existed when I tried it in JOSM ... no way I'd be brave enough to upload such an edit at this stage !!

That's why I suggested suppressing these kind of validation errors when an ABS boundary way is involved for a while until a considered (and practical) method of combining them is sorted out.


Rick :)

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