--- On Thu, 9/7/09, Jack Stringer <jack.ix...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> From: Jack Stringer <jack.ix...@googlemail.com>
> Subject: Re: [OSM-talk] A possible way to promote OSM
> To: "John Smith" <delta_foxt...@yahoo.com>, t...@openstreetmap.org
> Date: Thursday, 9 July, 2009, 7:04 AM
> For the UK its GCSE and A-Level
> Geography students are the ones to
> look at I guess.
> Though I know we might not be able to use information from
> <11yr old
> kids it still does not mean we can not help provide
> education
> information to them. I know its not what OSM is about but
> educating
> the youth in the wonder of maps should be a nice starting
> ground.
> Because OSM are free it means teachers can freely print
> copies and let
> the student learn about orienteering even if its only on
> school
> grounds. You never know the teacher may put the information
> for the
> school into OSM so that they could use it themselves.
> On the wiki it would be useful to put all the information
> under
> Teaching Resources and go from there.
> *Sorry I keep doing this (forgetting to cc the list)*
> What John was commentating on.
> Make a teaching pack that would give them ideas on how they
> can teach
> students about map making.
> One idea is that they can map the school. Using walking
> maps they can
> upload the hand drawn map and trace that.
> If suitable permission could be found they could map their
> neighbourhood or street.
> When I was at school I loved maps as we have a collection
> of os maps
> at home. After taking geography as a gcse subject I was
> disappointed
> we never did much with maps. None of the students could
> read an os
> map.
> There are different target groups, primary school,
> secondary,
> college/uni so we need targeted plans for each. If we get
> colleges
> involved then we may breed new osm editors.
> Jack Stringer


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