On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 4:17 PM, Maarten Deen<md...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
> IMHO it is not that important if the way with the limit is only just beneath
> the bridge, or is somewhat longer or is applied to nodes on either side of a
> bridge.
> I recently came across this example where the way with the maxheight is a lot
> longer than strictly necessary. For every day uses this does not really pose a
> problem.
> <http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/way/25883025>

So the solution is "do whatever you want?" Hrmm...

A couple of potential problems with this: What if someone later adds a
way that intersects the way with the restriction? The restriction must
then be removed from the part of the way that is beyond the bridge -
but this user should not be expected to know that the restriction even

Also, for longer sections, it becomes less clear that the maxheight
restriction is in regard to the bridge (versus the law, power lines,
trees, buildings, or something else). For ways with multiple bridges
in close proximity, it may become unclear which bridge the restriction
applies to. etc etc...

It gets a bit sloppy...

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