--- On Mon, 3/8/09, Darrin Smith <bel...@beldin.org> wrote:

> You can do this I guess it's a matter of rendering. I think
> this
> discussion has highlighted an underlying issue that is
> beyond the
> rendering issue however. The underlying issue is that you
> don't consider
>   administratively equal a "suburb" and a "rural named
> area" despite the
> fact that the various state governments and australia post
> do.

Australia post doesn't necessarily follow that, Gympie has a number of areas 
inside the "town limits" but all mail is addressed as Gympie, eg South Side, 
Corella, Araluen, Monkland, are the ones I can think of off the top of my head. 
Even Australia post has to bend to the perceptions of the locals regardless of 
what's gazetted, either that or Auspost has a later version of gazetted data 
than the ABS released.

> Yeah this is a bit of a pain when you get duplicates in
> particular.
> Really a renderer specific problem however. I liked the
> idea that
> surfaced a while back of optionally being able to specify a
> 'centre' to
> a boundary relation which should be where the name is
> rendered and only
> rendering it centrally if that is absent. Don't think it's
> made it into
> the renders though.

If one of us can figure it out, we can render it. :)


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