On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 1:25 PM, <b.schulz...@scu.edu.au> wrote:
> I guess this comes down to tagging what exists vs tagging intended use. For
> instance there are parts of the Pacific Highway which are 2 lanes but are
> tagged as trunk because they're the Pacific Highway and are therefore the
> most major road in the area.
> The situation you're describing of a major thoroughfare which is just a
> gravel road should probably be tagged as unsealed primary while roads of
> similar "construction" which exist so that farmers can get home could come
> under "rural"

Well said. I think it should be our primary focus to tag what exists
(with surface=, width=, lanes=, etc) and ALSO tag intended use. They
can co-exist peacefully, as long as we are conscious of which tags are
designed to serve which purpose (which apparently doesn't seem to be
the case at the moment, for highway=*).

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