On Thu, 6 Aug 2009, John Smith wrote:
> > Meh, who cares. What we're
> > essentially doing here is forking OSM, just while still
> > using their database. Why do all the Australian mapping
> > guidelines need to be global? So long as what we tag ends up
> > being consistent enough that their rendering works 99% of
> > the time it's not really going to change anything.
> > Isn't this the whole point of being "Open"?
> > The fact that we can take their data and make something
> > better without having to start from scratch.
> >
> > Basically, the idea that it's possible to come up with
> > a tagging scheme which works perfectly across all
> > international juristictions is not one which is based in
> > reality. Lets just do our own thing and nuts to the rest of
> > the world.
> The problem isn't with OSM specifically, it's the potential of 3rd party
> software such as routing software. If we were to have no regards, and those
> in the US did the same, and those in Germany etc etc etc the authors of
> such software will just write software for the more popular regions of the
> planet and that could have a serious outcome for us due to being so under
> populated.

I suspect that most of really third party stuff is Garmin, so if we are still 
compatible with Garmin we will be usable long term

I don't think that the noisy German guy has much backup from his compatriots. 
We hear him all the time, and not many other voices

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