On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 12:47 PM, John Smith<delta_foxt...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- On Thu, 6/8/09, Sam Couter <s...@couter.id.au> wrote:
>> I understand but will never accept the opposing position as
>> I use a mail
>> client that does handle reply-to-list correctly and have no
>> sympathy for
>> people who choose to use poor quality software when better
>> alternatives
>> exist.


> As I said, there is relatively few software options that handle this 
> correctly, and none of the popular ones do.

Um... Gmail works perfectly. I'd call it popular.

> Oh and yahoo mail filters keep catching emails as spam because I can only 
> imagine it's mail coming from myself to myself, but it's also tripping up on 
> others because the from address doesn't match allow hosts that email can be 
> sent from a domain.

Erm... can't say I've used yahoo mail but its spam filters should be
smarter than that. Don't forget to say it's "Not Spam" - you should be
able to teach it.

> So while you can be up on your high horse the rest of us prefer to be 
> practical and just get on with it.

Um... if you post to a mailing list you should be expecting others to
give their opinion, which appears to be all that Sam was doing.

> Apart from Sam does anyone else have an issue with the list reply-to field 
> being set to the mailing list, not having it always confuses new people, and 
> I really can't be bothered typing in the address all the time so I always hit 
> reply to all, which probably generates twice the email needed.

I also hit "Reply to all" (the "a" button in Gmail). I don't see a
problem with it. And I wouldn't worry about sending a double copy of a
plain text email - the Internet is all grown up now, it can handle it.
And as you yourself said, "a lot of apps/mail server software filter
duplicates so it's not as big of a problem as it once was".  And I
disagree about it "confusing new people". "Reply to all" seems fairly
self-explanatory to me - it means "reply to all".

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