We had a pretty good turn out today of 7 people, include 2 geocachers that were 
introduced to OSM.

Additionally a person came over to talk to us while we were trying to figure 
out a plan of attack at mcdonalds, they took a copy of the walking paper print 
out I had made and they seemed interested in walking tracks.

After that we all headed out and were going to meet up about 4, although I'm 
not sure where Jeff ended up.

I'm still going through fixing up streets from traces and also using the traces 
to re-aligning the yahoo sat imagery so other streets no one traced can be more 
accurate hopefully.

Just before heading back to meet up with Ashley and David at the park I mapped 
out a model railway, I've tagged it railway=rail but that seems like something 
meant for heavy rail not model rail.


All in all I think it was worth putting together, especially publicity wise and 
getting others aware of OSM.


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