On Wed, 19 Aug 2009, John Smith wrote:
> --- On Wed, 19/8/09, Liz <ed...@billiau.net> wrote:
> > anyone interested in starting putting OSM maps into
> > Wikipedia where we can see
> > that they would be of reasonable readiness?
> There is an easy way to do it :)
> <a
> href="http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=-28.149670718997&amp;lon=133.505312
>301&amp;zoom=4" title="See this map on OpenStreetMap.org"
> style="text-decoration:none"><img
> src="http://osm-tah-cache.firefishy.com/~ojw/MapOf/?lat=-28.149670718997&am
> width="600" height="500" border="0" alt="Slippy Map"><br /></a>
> That's from the wiki page function to embed a static map in the wiki pages
> if javascript is turned off.
i knew that you could get those refs
but i'm not sure of the editing conventions of wikipedia
except i do know that they have editors who could be described as "b*tch*" 
some days
and if someone was aware of the ins and outs it might be easier if they guided 
us through the process

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