Hi All,


Has anyone suggested that we record our own satellite imagery from the 
satellites whizzing around?


Australias Landsat imagery is recorded in Alice Springs (as far as I know) 
-23.758824 133.881688 There is another dish just to the east as well. Dont know 
what frequencies are used or whether it is encoded.


I briefly worked on the CSIRO receiver site (for 2 days in 1994) at Droughty 
Hill in Tasmania, across the river from the CSIRO at Battery Point and was told 
the Landsat downlink was 105 MegaBits per second. It was being recorded to 8 mm 
video tape and then transported by road to the HQ for chewing on the super 
computer they had at the time.


With a little researching, we could find out the frequencies and modulation 
method and if it is encoded.


If it is encoded, then another possibility, although a bit far fetched, is to 
record low resolution LEO (Low Earth Orbiting) weather sat imagery over many 
days or weeks, and add it together and process it to build up higher 
resolution. Don't know if this could be done or not.


Anyone interrested?


Graeme Wilson VK1RE

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